Thursday, February 12, 2009


You can understand the facts of life. But facts of love are much different. To love you love someone or someone loves you.. But when you both love each other you're in love with one another. First become friends and let it go. Then get serious and get together. Just make yourself known as a person not as someone you don't want to be known as...
Hey love, I just wanted to say I LoVe YoU Sooo0000OOOooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally uploaded by suavenyc72

Such a site to see in this cave, a one in a life time experience for people like me ..
im so into home that I never get to visit such places

I am so Ready

Well yes I am ready ..Ready to start working out again and take care of myself and my Body well as my mind...
Seems like the only way I can significantly gain and maintain a healthy weight and ofcourse state of mind..
I have a Beautiful Daughter and now a Grand Daughter ...Yeah she is Precious, I want to be around for her as long as I possibly can.I'm only 36 and my Daughtere is going to be 19 in April ..meaning I believe I'm pretty young and shouldn't worry about being around in the future for my grandchild but I do worry cause you never know what the future holds ..
I seriously plan on being here for My son, My Daughter and my Precious Grand Daughter JayLene ..
I have alot to look foward to and I expect it's going to be a pleasure and beautiful experience watching them all blossom into the people I know they can be ..Ofcourse trhey are all my Kid's and Grand Kid..So why should I expect any less of the only ones I have to show for my Life ..
I love my Family ..My Mother ..Thank God is still being my Mom and my Bother is too..I have a home with plenty of Love in it ..and that's where I want to be ..with my Family and my pet's..couldn't leave them out ..
Well I'll end this one for now biut know that with a new life comes new beginings for us all....

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