Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Alone down this path I don't want to go ...

I know I can just let them grow, but I find it too hard to see them put them selves through so much pain in their everyday lives ...
It's like when we have everything going well for us that we tend to self destruct cause we don't believe we deserve to be fine. And there couldn't be anything further from the truth ... I know cause I was one to think that way and even in relationships I used to just mess everything all up when things where fine ...at home, at work and with our loved ones. So many bridges have been burned cause of my decisions, so many people I've hurt ... thats what I believe I see my loved ones going through and if there were something I could say or do ...I would but some times we have to let those loved ones go through their trials and tribulations to learn for themselves that It can and should be different if we just give ourselves a break ..a chance to live a normal life ...
Anyway even with us parents it never seems to get easier but patience is so hard to come by even in our own relationships .. I have special people in my life and it hurts my to see even them having to deal with not giving each other the understanding to know that for once in our lives ..We are Loved ! and that there is a time when those that have made mistakes in the past are capable of growing within themselves enough to care for us ..with age comes great understanding to know our husbands and wives are in our paths for just that reason.... to be our wives and husbands, it's hard when we feel like we aren't being understood and that it feels like every effort is to no avail ..I know it hurt's .
If anything is meant to be then I know that when we take vows and decide to be together for the rest of our lives ... then thats what it means. The trouble is that sometimes there are people that come along to make us feel something we haven't felt in so long that we are blind sided ..comfort in an illusion cause thats all it is ..if we can sit down and think about where our lives are headed to make sure and be careful not to jump into something thats just temporary, a very bad decision could effect us and our most loved ones in a bad way if we aren't careful to distinguish whats just a little comfort and what is our life ..
Take some time to really look at these options and see if our children our worth it ..is our happiness worth it ..is the rest of our lives worth it !

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