Monday, September 28, 2009

I cannot imagine that our individual purpose here on what we call Gods green Earth, Is to be ordinary....

My angel & demon are fighting over

So what will it be?, A good evil or a good Evil?

Which Evil will prevail....Thats what they are fighting over..

and it doesnt matter who wins cause it will be either evil that will take control ...where do you whant to go is the question...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mobile Post

Joslyn, you disapeared and had us all worried. Specially me. I didn't deserve that. Did you speak to mom? If so then u know what you putme through sis and you were promised to never do what if you were going through something, we all do,it's called life! Now that I know you are all okay only cause Matt called mom : I don't want to hear shit.. I did not deserve that and now you can go through ur mental lapse on ur own or get help. Don't bother calling me anymore... I don't work well with people like that... You are either one way with me all the time or don't fuck with me at all....sorry Lil sis you did this! You have instabilities that need to be addressed!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another post on another note ....
everything is the same as last time ...I'm good and having a really good day with my pets at home and working on my Mac
no issues as of late but thats a good thing ...
Goodmorning my fellow Tweeterz

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Best Baby Toys

Originally uploaded by suavenyc72
Coming soon to the web near you ....I promise .... LOL

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm not sure how many of you could understand this, but I Love my Sisters.Jessia & Denise Santana.I would do whatever for. I love you! RLS.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shift to Multi Carriers Could Be Apple's Smartest Next Move — News Analysis: Whether or not Apple will make its iPhone available to multiple carriers is currently unknown. But based on the iPhone's popularity, it seems like the smartest move that Apple could make. A carrier-agnostic iPhone would put new competitive pressure on all its smartphone competitors, especially RIM. (Apple)

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