Its a tough road seeing my two kids grow, Only because they dont seem to understand that the choices they make aren't the right ones. Atleast not now, I try so hard to be a friend cause sometimes being their dad doesn't sink in for them.
My princess is like I said in one of my last post, coming into her own. She's eighteen now and on her own. Trust me when I say it hasn't been my choice but there is so much I can do and say cause she just won't listen to either her mom or myself. All I can do is support her for whatever it is she wants to challenge in life, thats all it seems like now. A challenge in life.
My daughter is a good girl. She just needs support and someone not to turn their backs on her and I won't. As hard as it may be for me, I will never give up on her. I may not agree with everything she wants or does but I do want her to be happy and I'll continue to be there for her as well as my son Michael, another story in itself.