Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We all are something, but none of us are everything

   I keep trying to explain to myself how can I do it ? How can I keep trying to show my two kid's the way it's going to be if they keep in their direction.
 It's been so tough on me cause they just don't listen and don't seem to want to listen to anyone's reason ...We all seem to not know what we're talking about and thats just how they see us, as know nothing adult's that are just plain dumb.
 I try and I try but it just isn't working and they keep going further and further into the street's. I know exactly where My daughter is going and where she's been, she just doesn't realize how much I know and who I know but thats cool. as like my son, He just keeps running around chasing his wannabe friends portraying gangster's and they ai't nothing but chumps and he's following them at that..
 How bad have I going ... That they don't see that road ahead of them ......

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