Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I can now that their getting into their own

So I guess now that both of my kid's are eighteen I can start to worry about myself since they have just drifted.
I don't know, sometimes I wonder if they will ever learn and someday be okay out there. My son will be cause he's just spoiled and has his mom to put a roof over his head nomatter what he does and says to her .. as well as his grandmother who see's no wrong in how he lives and behaves but I guess that's why he stay's away from me, Being that I don't put up with to much of his nonsense,
As for my Daughter Adesha, well she's a prize. It's tough being a father to an eighteen year old girl thats thinks everything is her way and owed to her. Although she's not like my son, cause she doesn't have the crutches he has in life so she strives for everything she has and wants.
Something like me, LOL ..She's a good girl though, very stubborn but smart and I know she will be okay at the end of the day.I worry about her the most ofcourse cause she's a woman and I know how hard it can be for her out there in this cruel world,, But I continuesly try to be there for her even though she is tough on me..Get that~ she's tough on me..I have to change that for real..
Anyway I'm gonna be back soon so I'll end this blog on this note ...
Don't ever forget who has to be number one, cause if you do everyone you love will never place or show !

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